“Meet the Makers” Showcases Local Women Entrepreneurs

On Wednesday, July 11, the Port Covington Impact team hosted Meet the Makers, the first in a series of events focused exclusively on uplifting women within the Baltimore community.

“The vision of the Women’s Series is to be intentional and impactful about including those who are often left out,” said Alicia Wilson, SVP Impact Investments and Senior Legal Counsel. “It is about giving a platform to those who are too often not seen or heard. Quite simply, we want to highlight amazing women in our community who are driving positive outcomes for our city and our region.”

Held at Nick’s Fish House in Port Covington, Meet the Makers showcased ten female entrepreneurs who each got the opportunity to share their product or service with guests, while making meaningful connections. The goal of the event was to help the entrepreneurs gain exposure to new potential customers and build a community of supporters.

“We had a diverse group of products and services in attendance from chocolate-covered strawberries made with custom logos, to bold culturally-inspired nail decals. A common theme among these women is how tradition, family and community have motivated them,” said Lexx Mills, Impact Investment Associate. “Denise Dantzler co-founded Joshy’s Soap Bars with her 7-year old son, and Carleen Goodridge of Le MONADE runs her beverage boutique crafting artisanal lemonades with her three sons. Just this year, Natasha Brown-Wainwright started Natasha’s Just Brittle Processing Plant to help other food artisans grow their businesses. It was truly a privilege to help showcase these visionary and community-centered entrepreneurs.”

The sold-out event welcomed guests from across the region who enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres while networking with the business-owners. The participating businesses were:

Berries by Quicha

Big Bean Theory

Fancy Free Hair & Skin

JohariMade, LLC

Joshy’s Soap Bars


Looen Teas

Natasha’s Just Brittle

Power Nail Decals

Scrub Nail Boutique & Moms as Entrepreneurs

Be sure to follow Port Covington on Facebook and Twitter for information on the next Women’s Series event coming up in August.

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