South Baltimore 7 (SB7) Coalition

The South Baltimore 7 (SB7) Coalition is a nonprofit organization which is a partnership between six community organizations in South Baltimore and the Port Covington Development Team. Together, the SB7 Coalition is working to strengthen South Baltimore communities around Port Covington by strategically tackling shared challenges. The SB7 Coalition includes:

  1. Concerned Citizens for a Better Brooklyn
  2. Cherry Hill Community Coalition
  3. Community of Curtis Bay Association
  4. Lakeland Community Association Partnership
  5. Mt. Winans Community Association
  6. Westport Neighborhood Association
  7. Port Covington

With the Community Benefits Agreement in place, the SB7 Coalition launched a strategic planning process for their neighborhoods. This process examined both neighborhood plans and a regional strategy, uplifting priority projects to spur investments in the six neighborhoods. With community and partner buy-in, six resident-led committees were launched to carry out the work of implementing the regional priorities focused on:

  1. Community Development
  2. Economic Development
  3. Education
  4. Public Safety
  5. Quality of Life
  6. Transportation


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